
I specialize in individual and small business taxes. I also assist with the following specific accounting services.

Tax Return Preparation

For how quickly the tax laws change year to year, and the increased budget for the IRS to audit individual taxpayers, I help primarily with tax return preparation. If you have a small business there are a lot of tax saving opportunities we can work on together.

International Tax Advice

If you have traveled abroad for work or are residing in the US from abroad, the international tax laws are extremely complicated. If you need help understanding what is needed or would like help filing your tax return, I have a large international network of accountants to make sure your global taxes are properly filed!

Gig Work Accounting

There are many tax-saving opportunities for Uber and Lyft drivers, Instacart workers, and more. Don’t get caught with the new 1099 reporting rules and get hit with an incorrect tax liability!

Small Business Accounting

I have assisted hundreds of small businesses starting out as well as well-established companies with bookkeeping, payroll, sales tax and income tax planning.


I help organize and keep your books up to date, as well as utilize software to automate your records going forward. I am well versed in the following systems:

Quickbooks, Ajera, Xero, Freshbooks, BQE Core, and Monograph.


I specialize in Architecture, Interior Design, Engineering, E-Commerce, Startups, Consulting, Service Industries, as well as many others.